Social Media

Essential Instagram Stats You Need to Know in 2025

admin · March 11, 2025
Essential Instagram Stats You Need to Know in 2025

Do you think of purchasing something and search it on Instagram before purchasing? Instagram’s founder did exactly this before creating Instagram.

Kevin, a Stanford University graduate, wanted some Whiskey and was curious about all those places that sold Whiskey. So he created an app called ‘Burbn’ where people could share their photos and check-ins.

Gradually, he realized that people were more interested in photo-sharing and specifically focused on a photo-sharing app.

Instagram History

  • Launched on Oct 6, 2010 (only for iOS) and reached 25000 users within one day.
  • By the end of the first week, it was downloaded by 1 lakh users
  • It was already making buzz buzzing by mid-December as 1 million people had downloaded it.(source– historytools)
October 2010Instagram reached 1 lakh users
December 2010Instagram reached 1 Million users
January 2011Instagram reached 2 Million users
September 2011Instagram reached 10 million users
April 3, 2012Instagram released an Android app
April 9, 2012Facebook acquired Instagram for $1 billion in cash and stock
April 12, 2012Instagram hit #4 on the Android charts
February 2013:  Instagram hit 100 million users (MAU)  
June 2016Instagram hit 500 million users (MAU)  
June 2018:Instagram hit 1 billion users (MAU)  
  • The launch of Instagram on Andriod opened the floodgates, and users came rushing in, and ever since, it has been our favorite.
  • If we fast forward today, Instagram has 2 Billion active monthly users. ( Source-demandsage, backlinko)

Reasons Of Instagram’s Popularity

  • People love that Instagram runs smoothly on their Phones
  • People have responded well to images from the beginning, and Instagram was primarily built to share pictures.
  • It is extremely easy to use. Its simple interface gives users a platform to express themselves in front of others.
  • Instagram has evolved continuously. It added “stories,” “Reels,” “shopping facilities,” “stickers,” “filters,” etc. which helped engage the audience more.
  • The platform supports personal branding; many people could become influencers, and businesses could market themselves well.

Let us understand Instagram’s Popularity by 20 Interesting statistics( data-backed)

  1. By Region

Instagram Users by Region (millions)(source- Prioridata)

Region Users (millions)
Asia-Pacific 893
Europe 338
South America289
North America 222
Middle East 112
Africa 96
Australia 22
  • By Number Of Users

Instagram has 2 billion monthly active users, the third highest among all social media platforms.

Out of 8.2 billion people worldwide, 2 billion people use Instagram, and 24.39% of the total population uses Instagram. (monthly)

However, daily Instagram users are 1.40 billion, or 17.07 % of the world’s population.                     

It is forecasted that by 2025 it will increase to 1.44 billion. (Source- Statista)

YearNumber of Instagram Users Worldwide (in Billions)
  • By Country

India has the highest number of Instagram users (as of 2024). The number of Indian users is expected to grow more.

CountryInstagram Audience Size (in Millions)
United States169.65
United Kingdom33.1
  • By Time Spent

An average Android user spends 33.9 minutes daily (16 hours 56 minutes per month) on the app. (Source- backlinko).

This is the 4rth highest amount of time spent on any social media platform

This table shows the average time a US adult spends on Instagram (age-wise).

AgeAverage Time Spent per Day
18-2453 minutes
25-3437 minutes
35-4428 minutes
45-5427 minutes
55-6426 minutes
65+20 minutes
  • Maximum time spent is by the age bracket of 25-34 years.
  • By Gender
  • 50% + of the global Instagram population was 34 years or younger. 
  • Instagram had more male users
  • More millennials use Instagram.

This table shows the data of global active Instagram users as of April 2024. (source-statista)

Age GroupFemale Users (%)Male Users (%)

Instagram gender demographics 2023 (%) (source-businessofapps)

GenderPercentage of Users
  • By Age
  • Approximately 62 % of Instagram users are below 35 years of age
  • This shows that more number of youngsters are active on Instagram.

This table shows the data of Instagram users worldwide of April 2024

Age GroupPercentage of Users (%)
  • By Usage

Most people love to use Instagram to post or share videos. (Source – Obrelo)

This is the data of Instagram Users in 2024.

Activity Of Instagram UsersPercentage (%)
Post or share photos or videos70.1
Look for funny or entertaining content66.6
Follow or research brands and products62.3
Message friends and family59.7
Keep up to date with news and events54.4
  • By Business Activity

Since Instagram is the third most popular social media platform, businesses never miss a chance to show their presence on Instagram.

  • On average, brands posted 4.6 posts /per week. (source-whop)

According to RivalIQ, the top industry present on Instagram (as of 2023)

IndustryPosting Frequency
Higher Ed  3.9 posts per week
Sports Teams  15.6 posts per week
Influencers4.1 posts per week
Nonprofits 5 posts per week
Media  10 posts per week
  • By Growing Number Of Users

The average growth rate of Instagram monthly active users is approximately 26%

This table shows the number of Monthly active users each year( (source-

YearMAU (Monthly Active Users)
20242.1 billion
20232.08 billion
20222.03 billion
20212.02 billion
20212 billion
20181 billion
2017800 million
2016500 million
2015400 million
2014300 million
2013150 million
2012100 million
201110 million
20101 million
  1. By Engagement

People share various content on Instagram, such as photos, videos, reels, and carousels.

  • Instagram has the highest engagement rate (higher than any other social media platform) for any kind of post (source- zippia)

This table shows the average engagement rate for each type of post. (by business account) (source- oberlo)

Instagram post typeAverage Instagram engagement rate
All Post Types0.56%
Photo Posts0.50%
Video Posts0.55%
Carousel Posts0.69%
  • A study also states that carousels having 10 slides maximum get more engagement. A carousel with four slides gets minimum engagement.
  • The engagement rates also depend on the number of followers. Surprisingly, the trend shows that the accounts with more followers have shown less engagement.

This table shows the engagement trend according to follower count in 2024. (source- oberlo)

Number of followersAverage Instagram engagement rate
Fewer than 10,000 followers0.74%
10,000 to 100,000 followers0.65%
More than 100,000 followers0.53%
  • Instagram Reels get an average engagement of 6.59% to 8.77%. ( it also depends on the number of followers) (source- backlinko)
Number of FollowersInstagram Reels Engagement Rate
500K-1 million6.68%
1 million – 5 million6.15%
5 million – 10 million7.49%
10+ million8.77%
  • The average number of views for Instagram Reels (various accounts & industries) is 120,917. (source- backlinko)
  • On average, video posts get more engagement than photo posts. (source- backlinko)
Average comments on video posts150
Average comments on image posts65
Average comments on carousel posts80
  • Instagram stories are also a hit among youngsters (source- backlinko)
Percentage of Gen Z (ages 15-26) watching Stories78.01%
Percentage of US creators using Stories for sponsored content98.1%
  1. By Revenue

The primary source of income for Instagram is Ads and In-app purchases. (source-whop)

YearRevenue in Billions
  1. By App Downloads
  2. Instagram app has been downloaded approximately 3.8 billion times, making itself the 4rth most downloaded app(as of 2025)
  3. It was the 6th most searched term on Google, having 414 million searches/per month.
  4. In 2024, Instagram had 696 million downloads. (source- saasworthy)
  5. In 2022, Instagram had 547 million downloads, which was the highest app download number. (source-alertify)
  6. USA is currently at the top in the list when it comes to Instagram app downloads 110 million users (source-earthweb)
  1. By Businesses Using Instagram

The following table shows the data of businesses present on Instagram (source- searchenginejournal, alertify)

Number of active businesses on InstagramOver 200 million
Percentage of users following at least one business90%
Percentage of users researching brands/products62.4%
Percentage of users receptive to ads on videos70%
Average posts per day by business accounts1.55 posts
Increase in brand awareness reported by businesses30%
Boost in website traffic reported by businesses23%
Percentage of businesses using influencers63%
  1. By Marketers Using Instagram
  • Researching and following brands is the 3rd most popular activity on Instagram.
  • 62.7% of Instagram users research or follow brands and products on Instagram
  • In 2020, 26% of Instagram users made social commerce purchases.
  • If any marketer uses an Instagram story, the chances of users watching the complete story is 87.2% (higher than any other platform)
  • Here is the table showing Instagram and Shopping Behaviour (source-elfsight, metricool)
Percentage of shoppers using Instagram for purchases70%
Percentage of users influenced by Instagram content72%
Percentage of users who bought something directly from an ad33%
Percentage of consumers more interested in a brand after seeing it in Stories58%
Percentage of users using Instagram as a search tool36%
Percentage of U.S. businesses using Instagram71%
Percentage of U.S. fashion brands using Instagram96%
U.S. Instagram users checking product reviews44%
Estimated U.S. users making purchases directly on Instagram (2024)46.8 million (35% of U.S. Instagram users)
Percentage of US marketers using InstagramOver 97%
Percentage of US marketers using Instagram Reels for influencer marketingMore than 50%
The conversion rate for brands using Instagram DMs70%
  1. By Advertisements on Instagram
  2. 76% of marketers agree that Instagram Ads give good ROI.
  3. 30% of the marketers say that Instagram gives them the best ROI. (source-metricool)
  4. In 2022, 80% of global marketers used Instagram to advertise their business.
  5. The table below represents the Instagram ad reach (in millions of users) over time, and the percentage change compared to the previous period. (Source- whop)
Month/YearAdvertising Reach (Millions)Percentage Change Compared to Previous Period
April 20211,287   NA
July 20211,386+7.7%
October 20211,393+0.5%
January 20221,478+6.1%
April 20221,452-1.8%
July 20221,440-0.8%
October 20221,386-3.8%
January 20231,318-4.9%
April 20231,628+23.5%
  • The table below shows on average how much cost is incurred on an Instagram ad (Source- whop)
MetricCost Range (USD)
Cost per click (CPC)$0 – $0.25
Cost per 100 impressions (CPM)$0 – $4
Cost per engagement$0.03 – $0.08

17. By Influencer Presence On Instagram

  • Instagram is the 2nd best platform for Influencer marketing. 46.7% of brands use Instagram influencer marketing in 2024. (Source-Obrelo)
  • 30% of the marketers say that Instagram’s Influencer marketing gives them the best ROI.(source- sociallypowerful)
  • Almost 5 lakh influencers admit that Instagram is the best space for Influencers.
  • In 2023, Instagram influencer marketing spending was $1.9588 billion. ( source-metricool)
  • Instagram Influencer marketing will reach $22.2 billion by 2025

Here is the table showing influencers according to their size and presence on Instagram (source- sociallypowerful)

Influencer CategoryFollowers RangePercentage Of Presence On Instagram (%)
Nano Influencers1,000 – 10,000             65.39%
Micro-Influencers10,000 – 50,000             27.73%
Mid-Tier Influencers50,000 – 500,000              6.38%
Mega Influencers and CelebritiesMore than 1 million              0.23%
  • Women comprise 77% of influencers. (Source-hubspot)

Here is the data of top influencers and how much they charge per post. (source- whop)

CelebrityFollowers (in Millions)Charge per Post (in USD Millions)
Cristiano Ronaldo624$3.2
Lionel Messi501$2.6
Selena Gomez430$2.6
Kylie Jenner400$2.4
Dwayne Johnson398$2.3

18. By E-commerce Presence On Instagram

E-commerce and social media are not different. The majority of the population sees so many brands and products on Instagram.

  • In 2024,130 Million users have clicked on Instagram shopping posts. (source- whop)

The table shows the data on how Instagram users react to e-commerce content.

StatisticPercentage (%)
Instagram users were more likely to purchase online70%
Consumers looked for products on the platform70%
Instagram users followed at least one business profile90%
Instagram users learned about new brands60%
Instagrammers made a purchase directly from the app50%

The table shows how Instagram user’s behavior pattern

The average order value for Instagram shopping$65
Percentage of users discovering new products through Instagram shopping66%
Increase in social media sales driven by Instagram shopping24%
Increase in Instagram shoppable posts (2017–2021)1,416%
Accounts using tap-to-reveal shopping tag (October 2020)Over 90 million
Total business profiles on Instagram ShoppingOver 25 million
Percentage of businesses using the ‘Shop Now’ button87%

19.  By Number Of Employees

As Instagram has been expanding, so has its employee count.

Here is the table showing its growth numbers since 2010. (

YearEmployee CountGrowth in NumbersGrowth in Percentage
20118↑ 6↑ 300%
201213↑ 5↑ 62.5%
201350↑ 37↑ 284.6%
2014150↑ 100↑ 200%
2015300↑ 150↑ 100%
2016450↑ 150↑ 50%
2017500↑ 50↑ 11.1%
20181,000↑ 500↑ 100%
20193,000↑ 2,000↑ 200%
20207,000↑ 4,000↑ 133.3%
202112,000↑ 5,000↑ 71.4%
202215,000↑ 3,000↑ 25%
202318,000↑ 3,000↑ 20%
202420,100↑ 2,100↑ 11.7%

20. Expected Growth Of Instagram

  • Instagram is expected to grow by 56% in 2025 as Asia- the Asia-Pacific region will drive many new users to Instagram.
  • Instagram has the potential to hit 3 Billion+ users by 2030.
  • Instagram’s ad revenue is supposed to grow by $ 240 billion. (

Some Interesting Facts about Instagram

  • A major share of Facebook’s revenue comes from Instagram. In 2023, about 36.9 % of Facebook revenue came from Instagram.(source- businessofapps)
  • Instagram is valued at 70.4 billion US dollars as of 2024. (source-statista)

The Ifs, Buts & Pitfalls Of Instagram

  • There have been concerns regarding Instagram’s privacy and security policies.

A study found that Instagram collects about 79% of users’ data and shares it with third parties like location, contact, financial info, preferences, etc.

In fact, Instagram has topped the list of invasive apps that collect data and share it with 3rd parties. (source-

  • Every social media platform wants users to spend more and more time on its platform, and Instagram has many beautiful and addictive features that allow teens to spend a large portion of their day on Instagram.
  • Instagram is filled with Influencers, and people trust them blindly. Some Influencers take advantage of this situation and spread misinformation.

For example- During COVID-19 times, many influencers spread the news of fake vaccines and medicines, which received backlash for this.(

  • Instagram has been infamous for promoting fake beauty standards. As Instagram has many filters, users try to gain attention by making themselves beautiful.

Surgeons of the American Academy of Facial and Reconstructive Surgery have reported that they received 30% more patients than usual because of social media. (Source-

If we sum up

It is undeniable that Instagram has become a part of our lives. It has allowed us to be in touch with our friends, new trends, fashion, businesses, influencers, stay updated with the latest happenings of the world, etc.    

However, its drawbacks cannot be overlooked as they cause some mental health and privacy issues. However, if Instagram takes steps to curb these issues, things will work fine.

Instagram has given many opportunities to influencers, creators, businesses, and marketers. As we can see from the data above, it has indeed become a powerful company that matters to everyone.


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