Social Media

19 Stats About Pinterest

admin · March 12, 2025
19 Stats About Pinterest

Many users think that Pinterest is a search engine or the hub for new ideas and creativity. However, Pinterest is the world’s 15th most popular social media platform and the most popular visual search engine.

If you are a business looking for marketing, a creator seeking growth, an influencer, or a curious person seeking some ideas or products, Pinterest will help you with everything.

In this blog, we will cover the 20 most essential statistics and understand why posting pins on Pinterest will be beneficial in the coming days. Let us know Pinterest by

  1. By History

Ben Silberman & Paul Sciarra started an app, Tote, for mobile shopping on iPhone. But it could not gain much popularity. However, the founders noticed that

  • People liked a particular feature of the app: saving their favorite products and mailing them to themselves.
  • People searched by product category and not by brands.

This made the founders work on a platform that could allow users to organize or pin their favorite products into buckets.

Hence, combining pin & interest, Pinterest was born.

  • Here’s the table showing the history of Pinterest


Year/DateEvent Description
March 2010Pinterest is founded in San Francisco as a closed beta.
December 2011Rapid growth, reaching 10 million unique visitors.
August 2012Pinterest was launched to the public.
2013Rich Pins introduced.
March 2014Pinterest announces a $200 million funding round, valuing the company at $5 billion.
April 2015Promoted Pins are launched, allowing advertising revenue.
June 2015Buyable Pins are launched.
2016Pinterest reaches 150 million monthly active users.
2017The company launches “Lens,” a visual search tool to identify and find similar items or related boards.
2019Pinterest announces IPO, solidifying its status as a major social media player.
  • By Countries Using Pinterest

Pinterest is being used by 200 or more nations (approximately). This table shows the Pinterest data for each country as of April 2024. (source-statista)

CountryAudience Size (in millions)
United States89.9
United Kingdom14.68
  • The USA has the highest number of Pinterest users, with 95.6 million
  • Out Of the 10 countries on the list, 6 are from the Americas, and the remaining four are from Europe. 
  •  By regions using Pinterest

America loves Pinterest the most. Here is the table showing the data of users region-wise. (source-ecwid)

RegionPinterest Users (in millions)
Northern America93.0
Southern America44.7
Western Europe37.1
Caribbean0.537 (537 thousand)
Western Asia0.216 (216 thousand)

Here is the table showing the users in America and outside America year-wise. (source- growthdevil)

YearThe United States of AmericaOutside USA(International)
202490 million432 million
202397 million401 million
202295 million355 million
202186 million346 million
202098 million361 million
201988 million247 million
2018million184 million
  • By the number of users using Pinterest
  • There are 537 million monthly active users on Pinterest (source-demandsage)
  • It is used by around 6.4% of the world’s population(source-adamconnell)
  • Pinterest has one of the highest customer satisfaction scores. With a score of 74/100 (among online network companies), it scores according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).
  • Pinterest is the 15th most loved social media platform. (source-demandsage)

Here is the table showing the monthly active users year-wise. (source-demandsage)

QuarterMonthly Active Users Of Pinterest
Q4 2024537 million
Q2 2024522 million
Q1 2024518 million
Q4 2023498 million
Q3 2023482 million
Q2 2023465 million
Q1 2023463 million
Q4 2022450 million
Q3 2022445 million
Q2 2022433 million
Q1 2022433 million
  • By Gender

It is known that Pinterest Is widely popular among females.

  • . Here is the table showing how Pinterest is used among genders.


GenderPercentage of Pinterest UsersNumber of Users (in thousands, assuming 100,000 total users)
  • By time spent
  • Pinterest successfully established itself as a visually appealing platform. The table shows the time spent and the platform’s opening rate


Average time spent per month1 hour 49 minutes
Average session duration2 minutes 11 seconds
Average app openings per month50 times
Percentage of users opening daily27.2%
  • By Age

Pinterest is prevalent among millennials and Gen-Z. This table shows data on different age groups using Pinterest. (source-demandsage)

  Age  Percentage Of Users
18 to 24 years29.6%
25 to 34 years27.3%
35 to 44 years18.1%
45 to 54 years11.1%
55 to 64 years8.5%
Above 65 years5.4%

Here the table shows the popularity of Pinterest among various age groups in the USA.(source-adamconnell)

Age GroupPercentage of Users in the US (%)
18-24 (Gen Z)46%
  • There are approximately 25 million Gen Z users in the USA (source-analyzify)
  • By Purpose Of  Use

The most popular reason for using Pinterest is to search for Brands and Products. The table shows the approximate percentage of reasons why Pinterest is used.

(source-DataReportal, –adamconnell)

ActivityPercentage (%)
Entertaining content~20%
Brands & products~40%
New & current events~15%
MSG family~10%
Post or share~10%
  • Pinterest is very popular among creatives and hobbyists. More than 90% of users said it’s where they go when they’re about to start work on a new project, whether that be DIY, home improvement, arts and crafts, or anything else.(source-adamconnell)
  • By Engagement
  • A Good Engagement Rate On Pinterest Is Around 1% To 2%
  • Videos are more popular on Pinterest. Video views have increased by 200%
  • Short-form videos are more popular on Pinterest. 73% of users said that they liked short-form videos more on Pinterest. (source- growthdevil)
  • Here is the table showing more data about Pinterest engagement. (


Videos viewed daily on PinterestNearly 1 billion
Pins saved weekly on PinterestOver 1.5 billion
Total ideas saved on Pinterest to dateOver 500 billion
Users logging on to view pictures60% of users
Visual searches via Pinterest Lens250 million+ per month
  • The fashion and home decor industry has higher engagement rates than other industries
  • Visually appealing content gets more engagement on Pinterest.
  1. By Revenue
  2. Pinterest could generate heavily from Brands Running Advertisement Campaigns In 2023.

 The table below shows the revenue of Pinterest in years.)(source-demandsage)

  2024 (Q1+Q2)  1.594 billion
2023*3.055 billion
20222.802 billion
20212.577 billion
20201.693 billion
20191.142 billion
20180.755 billion
20170.507 billion
20160.299 billion
  1. By Business & Marketing Usage
  • People on Pinterest are keener on searching about a product rather than a brand
  • Branded or Unbranded does not make a difference on Pinterest

·       This is why 97% Of The Top Pinterest Searches Are Unbranded(source-demandsage)

  • 80 % of people feel positive on Pinterest
  • A Pin including a specific call to action increases engagement
  • Here is the table showing Pinterest User Behavior Stats
Weekly Users Discovering New Brands/Products46%
Users Feeling Positive About Pinterest8 in 10
Likelihood to Click and Visit Brand Website3x More Likely
Users Considering Pinterest a Go-To for Ideas66%
Gen-Z Search Growth YoY31%
Audience Search Growth YoY96%
Searches Per Pinner Growth YoY31%
  • Here is the table showing Pinterest Shopping Behavior Stats
Users use the platform with the intent to shop and buy, generating direct sales55%
A Pin having a specific call to action increases engagement by80%
Users Planning Purchases on Pinterest93%
Users Shopping Frequently on Pinterest75%
Premium Product Spending Increase87% More
Weekly Users Completing Purchases from Pins61%
Users in a Shopping Mindset90%
Shopping as a Top Priority48% of Users
  Users want to try something they’ve seen on Pinterest.    98%
Time Spent Shopping on Pinterest25%+
Retailer Checkout Increase with Catalog Uploads30%
  • Pinterest Trends and Predictions
Pinterest Trends vs. Other Platforms20% Faster Take off
Trend Monthly Growth Sustenance20% Longer
Accuracy of Pinterest Predictions8/10 Predictions True
Engagement with TrendsUsers Revisit Trends Often

Here is a table showing the effectiveness of Pinterest Ads Compared to Other Platforms

MetricPinterest AdsComparison/Insights
Average Saturation Level25%Lower saturation compared to other platforms ensures a broader audience reach.
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)32% betterEspecially beneficial for food, health, and beauty businesses.
Cost Per Conversion (CPC) Efficiency2.3x more efficientOutperforms other social media platforms.
Prospects Generated11.4x moreSignificantly higher than other platforms.
Positive Emotional ReactionsAds recalled 20% better, 6x higher lift in intentEmotional ads perform exceptionally well on Pinterest.

Here is a table showing performance Boosts Based on Ad Features and Messaging

Ad Feature/Message TypeEffectivenessInsights
Sustainable Messaging2.4x more effective in driving actionSustainable ads resonate strongly with users.
Video Ads60% of Gen Z users find them most effectiveCaptures attention effectively, especially for new products.
Catalogues and Shopping Ads Combination15% increase in ROASIntegrating both ad types improves performance.



  1.  By Number Of Employees
  • As of November 2024, Pinterest has approximately 11K employees across 6 continents, including North America, Europe, and Asia. (source-leadiQ)

Table: Pinterest Workforce Gender Representation (source-hootsuite)

Year   Metric     PercentageChange/Insights
2024Workforce Identifying as Female         55%4% increase in female workforce representation.
2023Women in Leadership Roles         36%20% increase from the previous period.

Here is a table showing the number of Full-Time Pinterest Employees (2018-2023)(source- statista)

YearNumber of Employees
  1. By Growth

Slowly and steadily Pinterest is winning all, hearts.

  • Pinterest set a record as the quickest site to attract 10 million unique monthly visitors

Here is the table showing Pinterest Ad Revenue Growth

YearAd RevenueGrowth/Forecast
2023$3.27 billionBaseline
2027 (Expected)$5.1 billionSignificant growth from 2024

Here is the table showing Pinterest Usage and Audience Growth

Year-over-Year (YoY) Usage Growth12%Increase in platform usage.
YoY Audience Growth23.2%Strong audience growth.
Reachable Advertisers’ AudienceMore than 200 million usersWide reach for advertising campaigns.
Expected U.S. User Growth (2024-2027)+5.1 million usersRepresents a 5.25% increase in users.
Expected Total U.S. Users by 2027102.2 million usersNew peak in user base by 2027.

Here is the table showing Effectiveness of Pinterest Ads

Ad MetricResult/Insights
Shopping Ads Conversions   3x more conversions than other platforms.
Incremental Return on Ad Expense   2x higher than competitors.
Lifestyle Photos vs. Stock Product Images   32% higher click-through rate with lifestyle ads.

Here is the table showing the Geographic Reach of Pinterest

1United StatesHighest reach
2BrazilSecond-highest reach
3MexicoThird-highest reach
  • Here is the table showing Number of Pinterest Users in the United States (2019–2028)
YearNumber of Users (in millions)

(source-thesocialshepherd).(source-socialpilot) (source-adamconnell) (source-analyzify) (source- growthdevil)

15.      By Pins

  • There are over 10 billion Pinterest Boards, and 500 Billion Pins on the platform (Source-Pinterest Newsroom, Pinterest Investor Relations)
  • Boards related to home decor, making it the most popular category.
  • Most popular trending searches on Pinterest in the US at the time of writing (August  2024) include:
Summer nails
Date night beauty
Home bedroom refresh
Tattoo ideas
Dinner ideas

 The Table Shows Pinterest Content and Engagement Statistics

Maximum Pins Per User200,000
Total Weekly Pins Saved1.5 billion
Total Boards Created4 billion
Maximum Boards Per User2,000
Total Pins Saved (All-Time)240 billion
Average Pins Per Active Female User158
Related Pins’ Contribution to Engagement40%

This table shows Demographics and Usage Behavior

User GroupPercentage
Users Seeking Accessories, Watches, Jewelry70%
Users Exploring Food and Drinks52%
Moms Using Pinterest80%
Dads with Shared Boards3x more likely than average male

This table shows Pinterest Trends and Celebration Boards

Celebration-Related Boards (2023)14.6 million
Growth in interest Trends Increase56%


  1. By Traffic
  2. USA gives the highest traffic to Pinterest

This table shows the percentage of traffic Pinterest gets from different countries

Country)Percentage Of Traffic On
United States38.06%
Russian Federation4.96%

This table provides a clear breakdown of Pinterest’s traffic sources.

Table: Traffic Sources for Pinterest

Traffic SourcePercentage of Total Traffic
Direct Traffic58.63%
Organic Traffic38.48%
Referral Traffic1.69%
Social Media Traffic1.00%

This Table shows the sources of Referred Traffic to

SourcePercentage of Referred Traffic
  • The visit duration of the visitors on is recorded to be 12 minutes and 23 seconds

This table shows the traffic to Pinterest in the year 2023

           Year                 Traffic in Billion
    August 2023             1.06 billion
September 20231.03 billion  
            October 20231.14 billion  
           November 20231.12 billion  
           December 20231.16 billion  
  • Gen-Z gives the highest amount of traffic to Pinterest.

This table displays the share of traffic received on from different age groups:

YearPercentage Of Traffic On
18 to 24 years24.78%
25 to 34 years 27.96%
35 to 44 years17.79%
45 to 54 years12.88%
55 to 64 years10.04%
Over 65 years6.55%.



  1. By Rising E-Commerce On Pinterest
  2. 92% of online retailers with social commerce are present on Pinterest
  3. Pinterest users purchase more on social commerce than other platforms

This table shows Pinterest’s E-Commerce Performance

Year-over-Year Increase in Clicks and Saves for Buyable Content           50%
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) in Europe (Q2 2024)          $1.03
Purchase Intent Value on Pinterest           $30
Items Bought per User on Pinterest (2023)        3.5 items
Shoppers’ Spend per Order on Pinterest            $30
Return on Ad Spend for Brands Using Pinterest Catalogs             2x
Product Impressions for Brands Using Catalogs           5x more

This Table shows Pinterest E-Commerce Demographics and Usage

Luxury Audience Under 35 Years Old70%
US Consumers Making Purchases Based on Pinterest Recommendations47%
Consumers Using Pinterest to Purchase Products (2023)23% (US)
Global Social Shoppers Using Pinterest14% (both male and female)
Millennials Using Pinterest to Purchase16%
Gen Z Using Pinterest to Purchase13%
Gen X Using Pinterest to Purchase13%

(source-demandsage, -analyzify), -whop)

  1. By Future Growth

·      Pinterest has shown quick growth among other social media platforms, second only to Instagram.

This table shows Pinterest’s Future: Stats and Initiatives Shaping Its Growth In E-Commerce Innovations and Partnerships

Scaling Shopping AdsPartnered with Amazon Ads to promote e-commerce.
Integration with Salesforce and Adobe CommerceAvailable in all monetized markets.

This Table Shows the Sustainability Commitments Of Pinterest

Renewable Electricity Commitment100% renewable electricity for global offices by 2025.
Environmental ImpactAims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally.

This Table Shows The Commitment Of Pinterest Towards The Body-Inclusivity and Healthy Living

Focus on Plus-Sized Body ContentSearches for plus-sized body content are increasing.
Commitment to Body-Inclusivity (Since 2018)Platform prioritizes diversity in content.
Updated Ad Policies (July 2021)Ads with weight loss language and imagery are prohibited.
Decline in “Weight Loss” Searches20% decrease in searches containing “weight loss.”


  1. By affiliate marketing
  • High-income demographics and strong ARPU in specific regions suggest lucrative opportunities for affiliate marketing.

Table 1: Demographics of High-Income Pinterest Users

Income GroupPercentage of Pinterest UsersInsights
US Households Earning $150k+40%High-income users actively use Pinterest.
Luxury Shoppers Earning $100k+~33%A significant proportion of luxury shoppers are affluent.
Likelihood of Luxury Shoppers Earning 6 Figures (Compared to Other Platforms)35% more likelyPinterest outperforms other platforms in attracting high-income luxury shoppers.

This table shows the Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) by Region

RegionARPU (in USD)Insights
Global Average$6.44Reflects Pinterest’s overall revenue generation per user.
US & Canada$25.52Significantly higher than other regions.
Europe$3.73Moderate ARPU compared to the global average.
Rest of the World$0.50Indicates lower monetization potential in these regions.


The Ifs, Buts, and Pitfalls Of Pinterest

  • Pinterest is the hub for ideas, inspiration, affiliate marketing, saving pins, and a lot more, but brands do not prefer Pinterest as an advertisement platform. Many brands are skeptical about advertising on Pinterest.
  • Pinterest was making a loss till 2022. It made losses of $96 million in 2022. The net loss had also peaked in 2019, resulting in a $1.36 billion U.S. dollars loss.
  • Pinterest has added some AI integrations and tools to improve its Ad platform, but the tools have not given any significant performance. Advertisers running continuous campaigns, most of their spending is more experimental or short-term.
  • Pinterest Algorithms are unpredictable and constantly updated, making it difficult for marketers to plan their content and see results.
  • The platform has many good-looking pins, and the oversaturation rate is increasing daily. The competition keeps on growing for content creators and marketers, giving less attention to the time and energy they spend on Pinterest
  • There is no real-time interaction among the users. Therefore, the pins on the platform feel passive and result in less engagement. Pinterest focuses more on discovery and saving pins; hence, there are limited real-time interactions.

(source- growthdevil, investopedia, projectmanager)

If We Sum Up

Pinterest has faced some losses in the past, but it is one of the fastest-growing social media and search engine platforms. It is the 15th most popular social media platform. Also, it gives a good chance of discoverability and affiliate marketing. One should not ignore Pinterest at any cost.

If you want to know about other social media platform stats before planning your strategy, check them out here.


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